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Our Kids, The Teachers

I was 42 in June of 2010. I've seen a lot and there is a lot more to see. I'm "middle aged" (provided I die at 84). It's at this age that you start to see certain life cycles repeating themselves. Fashion, for instance, here in Ireland and the UK amongst teenagers, has returned to eighties as has the film industry (see remakes of "The Karate Kid" and "The A-Team"). At this age, it's easy to think we've seen it all, if not most of it, before. We become complacent and we look for the new and the shiny. We also know at this point that all that glitters is not gold (and all that doesn't isn't either). I'm speaking for myself here. Even radom events became routine. So we yearn for 'the miracles'.

That was until recently when my eighteen month old son started his 'investigations'. I see everything now with new eyes. He loves lights and light switches. Have you ever stopped to wonder at the lightening speed at which a light comes on when you turn on a switch? Do you understand the processes of the spark and the energy and how Thomas Edison discovered 10,000 ways how it didn't work? Have you marvelled recently at how self raising flower works when you cook, even if you don't do the cooking yourself? Have you wondered how the grass, abundant in its greeness, keeps coming back every time you cut it? What instruction is kept within its make-up that keeps it photosynthesising? Have you thought about how your skin heals after a cut, how it meshes back together to leave no trace? Where is the instruction in the eight cells that I started out as to grow into this human being with fully functioning organs and the capacity for thought. Eight cells!
Miracles happen on a daily basis to those who see.

Your life and your part in this Universe is a miracle in itself. It is something to be celebrated on a daily basis. Here are a couple of links to mull over as you contemplate the miracles that occur daily in your life. First is the Scale Of The Universe an amazing diagram of scale. It's mind boggling. And secondly, here's a Monty Python song that keeps me calm in so many situations but makes the same point. It's the Universe song, from their Meaning Of Live movie.

Choose success, choose happiness and choose the life you want because the chances of you being here are very slim, so the fact that you are here shows that you can accomplish great things.

Have fun, relish the free gifts created for your enjoyment, and have a wonderful life. :)

Have you read A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume?


  1. Awesome post Howard. Thanks for the great links Such a beautiful insight into the truth around us! A Course in Miracles, yes, yes, yes, 17 years ago and the last book I read. I have been forever perpetuated by it, much like a Polaris Live event!! Thank you so much and have the most wonderful day.

  2. Hi Howard,

    I really loved this post for many reasons, but mostly because it reminded me of how important it is once in a while to just stand back and look at the world through fresh eyes. Once we do that we can then see mircles all around us, just like you said. Thanks for sharing.

    Debbie Stevens

  3. Andy, thank you so much for taking the time to post. Glad to hear that the book had such an impact on your life.

    Debbie, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I'm very grateful that we have met.

  4. Howard thanks for the wonderful post. If we just take the time to look around us at all the "awe" that has been created. We could live more in the moment and be so very greatful.

    Thanks again Howard,


  5. Hi Howard

    Yes I agree kids teach us a lot. My 3 boys have tought me heaps.
    Thanks for the reminder of Monty Phyton's Universe Song.
    The Course in Miracle books where a big relevation to me 26years ago.
    Now I like The Teachings of Abraham by E. & J. Hicks the best.

    Have a fantastic day

  6. Hi Howard,

    Through the eyes of a child or the mouths of babes. If we slow down and really experience the incredible life we have we would be more child like and treasure life and people!

    Great insight!

  7. Hi Howard -

    Hey we're kind of in the same boat - Me 43 and youngest is just coming up on 4yo in October. If he doesn't show me new ways to look at the world every day I don't know who does :)

    That link to the solar system and beyond is one wild dealie! Thanks for sharing that!!

    Appreciate you,
