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Isn't it great when you look back and see where you've corrected your attitudes and thought behaviours for the better? Isn't it wonderful to be in a community where you feel 'safe' to say "boy was I wrong.."? Isn't it great to just answer questions? (Ok, so I made that last one up. Or did I?). Through my business and now through the Tribe Syndication, I find myself in the company of great people. People who are raising the bar for themselves. They're tired of a life of mediocrity. It's great to be here.

The reason I say this is because I was reading a friend of mine's blog, Michael Berry, and saw a phrase in there that I related to. It reads: "Network marketing is not the lazy man’s way to the top." Right there is where I threw my hands up and went 'Guilty!'. When I entered the home business arena I really thought I was on the pig's back. In my first couple of ventures I thought I had it made. I thought I could just build a bit of team and then it was 101, Easy Street from there. In my mind, I rubbed my hands together with sympathy for my poor friends who had to work for a living. I was ahead of the pack, had they not heard how the internet had revolutionised business? Suckas! As I explained excitedly how little I had to do, I remember my very wealthy and successful cousin telling me how every business needs work. "Pfffft!" I said, being sooo verrryy wise. "Boy was I wrong..." See? I can say now in front of you guys. All I saw was the "home" in home business.

Having gained expereience now, I am reminded of the a Chinese saying that goes: The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials. And along this path there have been trials, adversities and obstacles. I'm not the first and I certainly won't be the last. So I leave this piece of 'gaffito' to those coming behind me who may see this. As I say to someone starting with me, the only difference right now between you and me is that I've made more mistakes. But hey, if we stayed down after the first time we fell when we practiced walking, we'd never have learned to walk, right? So, to those more seasoned in the world of online business, you can now go off and tell people how 'perfected' you been down through the years!

Since my initial forray in to this world of home business, I've come a long way and corrected up my thought process. I'm delightfully busy these days as the head of and international, multi-million dollar company. I am taking the appropriate action as the CEO of any large corporation should take. How's my marketing? How are my profits? Where am I losing? Where am I heading? How are my budgets? Are my staff happy? (In a recent survey of all  those polled I got a resounding 100% "Yes". Well, there is only me.) The internet has made a HUGE difference to business but not the way I thought initially.

Now, through my association with company that I now represent, I am ahead of the pack through what I'm feeding my brain now and the actions that I'm taking. Enjoy the video and remember, you are a business owner (at home)!


  1. Wild Post Howard!! I reckon that coming to the conclusion that 'hard work' is never what it seems, never the obvious. To your ongoing success and your honesty and your liberation! Now you've done the work, defined your why enjoy the rewards you are due! Love it, thank you. Cheers Andy

  2. Hi Howard. So familiar! It takes awhile for us new to network marketing to wade through the hype to the truth of it, and then decide if we have the umph to stay. I did, and I am glad you did too!
    Carolyn from TSA

  3. Thanks Andy. When I look at the shells of some of the shops and businesses that had to close here, I realise how good I have it.I have a choice of 'opening hours', a global market and I choose how much or little time and energy I put in with the full realisation that they are in direct correlation with each other. Part-time work gets part time results and sometimes thaat's absolutely fine.

    Carolyn, spot on with your comment. You don't need to be a genius with degrees on the wall to be a successful business owner anymore but you do need the mindset and the ability to stay the course. I'm delighted that you did!

  4. Howard,
    Love your attitude! You have such a positive outlook and also are willing to step up and out to achieve your goals.

    Keep on, it's all worth it in the end,
    Val :)

  5. Howard such a fantastic post! I absolutely love the video... it is such a great introduction to business as an entrepreneur. Such honesty and recognition of your changes. To all your growing success and freedom!

  6. Hi Howard,
    I can relate to hoping that MLM would be an easy and quick way to get rich,been there and learned.

    I like you chinese saying about the diamond.
    That is similar to the perl that develops in the oyster because of the grit and friction.
    Thanks for your post.


  7. Howard,

    I personally love that feeling looking back when I make that mental shift I am striving for maintaining it always at this point.

    It is easy to achieve it, but like I have heard it said before it is all about maintaining the discipline to achieve your objective long after the feelings you set them in are gone.

    That, in my opinion, is the difficult part.

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. Hi Howard, awesome outlook and exactly the attitude that one needs to have. When people work from home, too often they don't seem to have the 'I'm a business owner' mindset and without that 'posture', it's real difficult for others to take you seriously (treat it like a hobby....)

    Thanks for sharing. Make it a Great Day! Laura

  9. Hi Howard. Thanks for reinforcing my post. Yes it does take work but it is around your time and not around anyone else, such as a boss.

    Thanks again Howard I love writing stile.


  10. Howard,

    Great post. There really is no "free lunch" and being a business owner is hard work. There's a lot of freedom as well and independence, but it's not for the lazy!


  11. Howard,

    I agree with your post 100%. When I started out on my own in my early 20's, I thought I was going to be on easy street VERY quickly. While the road has gotten quite a bit less bumpy, it remains hard work. I have come to appreciate the journey - the positives and the negatives - and have come to appreciate the hard work that success requires.

    Scott Pollov
    Business Plan Coach

  12. Hi people ask you about your name...famous you know in the States.
    I really like your blog...clean ....visuals good...and the topic is right on...yes we think this MLM business is a piece of cake...not so.
    Thanks for sharing...rebecca
