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Let The Greatest Among You Serve

Yep, it's another quote from one of the earliest and voluminous personal development books, the Bible. Widely read and translated in to several languages, although I've never seen a copy with a big banner across it saying "Over 20 million copies sold!".

Is it possible to have a re-epiphany? You know, when this realisation hit's you out of the blue like the it's the first time but then you remember that it isn't? I had one recently. It came from litening to a friend of mine talk about the circumstances leading up to her current situation which finds her living in a beautiful 2 bed apartment on a Greek island for next-to-nothing. She's really loving life and her business is on fire. Deservedly so.

She was making the point that she had put others first for so long that she had lost track of what made her happy. She wasn't begrudging, it was an observation. So many of us do it, especially parents. I'm not saying neglect your kids, that's the extreme but I am saying look after yourself and don't forget to put yourself first.

My kids aren't really mine, I'm minding them for God for when they grow up to be their own person. So the onus is on me to be the best person that I can be becuase I would like the children to surpass me and my accomplishemnts. So if I set the bar high... you get the picture.

So where does that put me? Well if I'm going to lead by demonstartion I'm going to have to be the best me that I can be. And who wins ultimately by campaign for success? Well, everyone around me. A wise man was told me "The best way to help the poor is to not be one of them." I heard it but I didn't really understand until recently. If IAM poor how can I help other poor people? What resources do I have? And let me add this, there is no virtue in poverty. So let me put my goals first, let's have the bigger house, the newer, nicer and safer car and let's travel with our kids to broaden their minds. Let's be the best that we can be for glory of living.

"Did you have a good life when you died? Enough to base a movie on?" Jim Morrison.


  1. Great post Howard. I of course know who you're talking about living in Greece. That is truly an inspiring story of putting yourself first. I love what you said "Well if I'm going to lead by demonstration I'm going to have to be the best me that I can be." You got it.

  2. Great post! I really appreciated the reminder to put ourselves first. It is easy to put business, family, life etc...way ahead of ourselves on the priority list. May we all put ourselves back on the list allowing us to put our best foot forward!

  3. Interesting perspective....Balance is key in your business, family and walk with God. It is important that you have your priorities right. I have found that most people can justify any action whether it is pursuing wealth or any other thing their heart desires.

    Since you bring up the Bible, I will point out that according to the Bible our chief end is not the glory of living but the Glory of God!

    Until the whole world hears,


  4. Howard,
    Great post AND great perspective. We are certainly not honoring God OR ourselves by creating a life that is less than we are capable of. We need to find our motivation (internal or external) and allow our brilliance to shine. When all else fails for me, I remember that I must be a great role model for my daughter.
    Thanks so much for sharing,

  5. Howie,
    You've said so much of importance here. What I took away from it that affected me the most was the following.

    In order to help others, we must first take care of oursevles and make ourselves happy so that we can truly help others. We have to set aside time for ourselves and it must come first. If we don't do that, we are not in a position to help anyone else.

    I liked your point too that we can not help the poor if we are poor. We can only help them by being an example of how to create wealth that is available to everyone.

    I love the picture of you and your children.

    (Dave) and Dawn

  6. "My kids aren't really mine, I'm minding them for God..." That's a perspective many people wouldn't agree with or understand, but I couldn't agree with you more. If all parents treated their children with the knowledge that it is God's child they are caring for, I do believe many things would be different.......

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this post...great food for thought to start my day!

    To your continued success,

  7. Hey Howard,

    Great post and reminder that when we continue to better ourselves and our circumstances we can then empower others around us by passing on the knowledge and wisdom that helped us achieve success to them!

    In Success,
    Howie Perks

  8. Thanks for all those wonderful contributions. I would prefer to be able to comment on these individually so I think I will investigate wordpress. As I don't have CommentLuv either please feel free to add your respective blog addresses to your comments.


    Rafael, too many have have justified what is wrong using moral relativism. All things exist as a reflection of the glory of God.

    Dr. Adam, bless you and your daughter.

    (Dave) and Dawn; you are spot on. What resources would have we to help the poor if we had nothing?

    Robin; thanks for understanding. To some, the comment may look like detachment where from another prespective, all things are God experiencing Itself. I love my children as I love myself (which I do!).

    Howie, you could have shortened my post considerably lol

  9. In the daily aspects of life, it is hard to get perspective. Working for oneself, despite the frequent picture held out of "time-freedom" is a path that consumes time in a mighty way. Demonstrating "the best that I can be" is also like that. So much depends on accomplishing goals and plans, that other considerations fall away all too easily. Rafael mentioned "balance" and that helps. But whether it is "glory of God" OR "putting myself first" OR any other main overriding goal, I see difficulty for me. Balance helps me best, and even then .... !

  10. Howard,

    I love your outlook on life. So many people have strayed away from listening to the word of God and it's a shame.

    It's amazing how many people believe that God doesn't want us to be abundant...that money and spirituality cannot co-exist. This is so far from the truth. When we realize that we were made in God's likeness, and that the spirit resides in each of us, it only makes sense that we are called to be prosperous and happy, and to bless others with all that we receive.

    Kathy Jodrey

  11. Awesome content!! A refresher from all the regular blog post, keep up the good work!!
