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Activation Energy - Keep It Simple

I like the simple life. By simple I mean uncomplicated. I like it when things work the way they should and I like my path unobstructed and unencumbered. For my business, I like my marketing to be 'set and forget'. I get deals for 3 months at a time or if I'm handing out flyers, you either take on or you don't. My door keys hang from a belt ring from my jeans on a snazzy looking climbing hook and there are only the three that I need. I hang the keys in the same place in the house and leave my sunglasses in a place of their own too. The nappies/diapers, cream and wipes are always kept in the same place and so are the kids. Ok, I'm kidding about that last part.

There's a reason for this and it's not laziness. Keeping things simple allows you to get more done. It frees up your time and your memory to concentrate on other accomplishments. Once a habit is formed (about 21-30 days), it stays with you. It requires little or no thought on your part to make it happen. This also the case with 'muscle memory' or arc reflex. Professional boxers and tennis players alike can perform feats that defy our belief system simple because they are constantly working scenarios that may occur and then coming up with the response. It becomes pretty much automatic. I studied Kenpo Karate myself for years and if someone were to come at me a certain way, before my brain has time to respond, hey presto, my body has already kicked in to action.

I digress slightly. I had the pleasure of hearing Prof. Shawn Achor, major exponent of positive psychology and personal development, speak on a couple of occasions, once in Rome, Italy and once in Kona, the big island of Hawaii. One of top things that I came away with was his story of learning to play the guitar. He noticed that there was a certain scenario in which he practiced more than others and that was when his guitar was in the cradle as opposed to when he had to get it out of the case (next to the cradle). The couple of seconds extra that it would have taken him to take his guitar out of the case tipped that decision.

It's called 'activation energy', the energy required by you to get a task done. To get up to go to the fridge to get ice-cream during a good movie, low energy require. To get up and put on a wash when a good movie is on, high energy required. But let's say, in some situation, you're watching television in the laundry room? Low energy require there, right?

So here's the thing, if you would like to start a new, good habit or skill, make it easy for yourself. If you'd like to eat healthier, fill your presses with the good stuff so it's to hand. If you'd like to be more fit, put your trainers near the couch... You get the picture. We all have high and low activation energy activities but we can tip the energy ratio in our favour by making it easier on ourselves.
 Don't struggle, keep it simple!

Good for a laugh and educational. Prof. Martin Seligman, 'father' of positive psychology.


  1. Howard,
    I loved your post and the way you wrote it.

    My thoughts after reading it are: It is kind of sad that we have to make it easy for ourselves to follow through on what we know we should do, but that is just human nature. Creating habits is also human nature and if we can be committed for just 21 days or so, like you mentioned, we can make it easy for ourselves to follow through on so many important things.

    Like you pointed out so very well, we can and should make it simple and easy for ourselves by creating some new and positive habits.

    Thanks for offering your great insights here!

    (Dave) and Dawn

  2. Howard,
    Have always been a proponent of keeping it simple (KISS). And that is so from the mundane (key location), to the critical (controlling my thoughts). Activation energy is a cool phrase that pares it down to the simple style. What a very healthy way to live life!

  3. Great post. Habit-creation is a daunting task for most I believe. But you have simplified it and taken away the excuses. Make it easy. Make it simple. Words to live by.

  4. Thanks for the great post Dave and Dawn. There's a funny thing that some people won't follow through unless they make it difficult for themselves. Making things easier for us to complete or achieve should be confused with laziness.
    My keys are in the same location so that I don't have to think about where or I left them or spend my time looking for them. However, choosing a TV dinner which you KNOW is lacking in nutrition because you don't have the energy to prepare something more healthy is just laziness.

    Darlene, did you leave out the last 'S' so as not to offend lol, Keep It Simple Stoopid! Thank you for adding value to this post.

    Mark, thank you for bite-sizing the post! You are spong on.

  5. Hello Howard,

    Great Post on activation energy!

    I personally live by KISS! Keep it simple stupid. Its easy to follow and keeps me at ease.

    Your right, "Keeping things simple allows you to get more done. It frees up your time and your memory to concentrate on other accomplishments."I couldnt have said it better. It also keeps me organized.

    In my home the tasks that use low activation energy has the higher percentage of getting done. LOL

    Have a good one,
    Taralee Bernier

  6. Hey Howard great post as always. I love that expression activation energy activities. I was there at the same presentations by Shawn and must have missed that part because I was probably thinking about the previous inspiring comment he had made. It's a bit like reading a personal development book and then reading it again and getting another message.

  7. Howard,
    Love both points you're making in this post. Keeping it simple and clutter free is an ongoing practice for me. LOVE the idea of activation energy. Makes total sense and I'm definitely going to employ it more fully in my business and rest of my life. One example I already do, is to keep all of the TSA URL posts I want to comment on for the day, open in my browser, so all I have to do is click and read.
    Thanks for sharing,

  8. I like the idea of Activation Energy. It definitely does take more energy to start something new, but when we are enthusiastic the extra energy flows effortlessly. By knowing about Activation Energy, it can help us to give the extra energy it takes to start something new until it becomes automatic.
