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We Are Not Who We Were

I was speaking with a friend of mine recently (I say friend, she works in the same business as I do and unless something drastically alters, that's her status!). She had Skyped me wondering about my daily affirmations. I have three at the moment and I tailor them depending on where I want to go. She was having an issue with abundance. She's not alone. Many people feel that if I take something, then there is less of it for someone else. What kind of god would create a world in which we would have to steal from each other in order to survive? She felt that this was reason that she wasn't moving forward as quickly as she would like in her business.

Digging a little deeper, the word 'fear' kept appearing in her dialogue. She was afraid of this and regretted that and wasn't sure she could make that happen because she had made bad choices in the past. Well here's some food for thought; neither the past nor the future have any reality. We can't go back in time and we can't go forward in time (time being the common, linear illusion). What we can do is make a decision in the NOW having learned from the past that will shape our future. So only the NOW has any reality. We can only act in the NOW and shape our future.

So here's the rub, NOW is in a continuous state of change. In personal development we learn to evolve, to release the shackles of our mind that is bad habit. We learn to evolve, to move forward with the time and to embrace change, to morph with it. As we do this, we become entrepreneurs. We discover how read "change" and how to put it to our best use. And I'm not just talking about business, I'm talking about being a father, a son or a brother. I am not the person I was when I wrote nor 5 minutes after you read this.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." said the oft quoted Mr. A. Einstein. And it's true. One of the great pieces of evidence to support this is the lack of mediaeval Starbucks. Ok, so I'm being flippant. We no longer live in caves or have to hunt for our food. This is just change, it's neither good nor bad, it's people who put those tags on them.

To expend energy worrying about your past is about as fruitful as getting stuck in a revolving door so use that energy and brain capacity for something you can influence, a better future for yourself.

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