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The Children of Genesis

An English comedian named Jimmy Carr, famous for his one liners, posed the question "If we're all God's children, what's so special about Jesus?" At first I laughed. It's a good question though and it got me thinking. There is no doubt that he was an amazing person, however, he was not unique. In fact, the story of his life mirrors many 'non-Christian Saviours' and his teachings are much the same as any of the major deities of mainstream religions. He was, after all, Jewish and brought up in that tradition. The Christian Bible Old Testament is pretty much the same as the Torah. Now let me make it clear at this point, this is not a religious post, it is merely me writing about some pieces of a puzzle that fell in to place for me that help me live such a wonderful life. I'm not looking for consensus, I'm not looking to be disrespectful and I certainly know that I will be wiser for your comments at the end for which I am truly grateful.
In my last post I used the metaphor of car and driver for our bodies and souls, our Self. When the car no longer worked, we could get out but is the nature of the driver? Well, as I said in the previous post, what possibly makes us uniquely us as individuals is not our bodies or our jobs but our high faculties, our thoughts and reasoning, the way we see the world and our conscious minds. These things are intangible. Like the wind blowing leaves in autumn (the fall) we see the effects but not the wind. The Empire State building existed as a thought before it ever existed in this plane. The computer existed as a concept before it materialised, so wow, our minds are the link between a non-linear world to the linear. Through the power fo thought, we can bring things through that veil that separates the two worlds into manifestation. What an extra-ordinary ability we have. So what's out there? Where are our thoughts coming from?
The Swiss psychologist Carl Gustave Jung called it 'the collective unconscious'. It goes like this; Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species. So when you think it, you've pulled it from this great bank of knowledge that is 'out there' and also put it back in for someone else to think. The proof is simple, people having the same thought simultaneously in different parts of the world. So here's the biggie, the Empire State building existed before it was even thought of. You see, time is linear and we see cause and effect whereas thinkingness and thought are not, they just are. This has taught me humility, to not claim things as my own, even my thoughts. That is the pay-off of the ego. It has taught me not to be boastful or prideful. I'm just passin' thru baby. Conversely, it means that, at my disposal, is a fathomless bank of knowledge to fill the empty and willing mind that comes through meditation.
So here's the big release for me, what you are reading here are not my thoughts, I am just the conduit through which this message comes. In this equation, I am the variable! This information existed before and after me. You wouldn't hug a telephone because you heard great news through it, right? Well maybe some of you would and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. lol So back to the cars to make this metaphor work again - the collective unconscious are the radio waves travelling through the air, unseen. The radio in your car (your mind/the self) hears whatever station you are tuned in to and it is processed by the Self but relayed through the self. What does this mean?
Well I don't know much about mechanics so if someone told me to spread the word on how to fix an intricate part of car, say the electronics and fuse board, and I had to relay that to the general public, how do you think it would sound coming through me rather than a mechanic. I'd have to try and make sense of it, right? Then relay it. Oh dear. Hopefully there are other mechanics in the audience who can comprehend what I'm trying to say as I try to deliver this message.
So back to the title of the post. I am a Christian and this is what fell in to place for me. The first book of the Bible is the book of Genesis: The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. To this person, it seems we existed as a though first, without form, and we were brought in to existence by a God, 'maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen (linear) and unseen (non-linear)' (from the Credo). So now I see the nature of our immortality - our being is a reflection of God and God is Creation. All Creation and Evolution is God because God created it which makes us 'children' of God/Creation and each one of us is connected because we are part of Creation. We are connected through everything that IS, the flowers, the wall, the building, the animals.
I also see now how Jesus can be depicted in any ethnicity because Jesus was not his body either, he was/is one of the great Avatars on this plain, along with the Buddha, the prophet Muhammud, may his name always be praised. They were not the Message, the Message came through them. They were the beings so highly evolved on a conscious level to be able to relay the Word to us in its purity and simplicity.
Since then, we have evolved. I'm not the same person as I was in fourth grade, I am not even the same person I was five minutes ago, and we as humans have evolved to a greater capacity of understanding than we did two thousand years ago. We are in a great position now, as evolved beings, to take a fresh look at the scriptures, all scriptures and see what was said, with new comprehension. My freedom and joy comes from loving everything because everything is a reflection of God. I love the truth and simplicity of the Message, no matter who it came through because the Message has always been the same. I love you even if you don't like me because you are a part me. We are Creation experiencing itself. And love, by the way, is not the Hallmark/Hollywood branded comodity to be given and taken away, it is a state of being.
So you have the choice to tune the radio in your car to a specific frequency. Let the message on that station allow you to be the best person that you can be. Let it be a message of empowerment, of success, of beauty, of peace and of love. Philippians 4:8 (NIV) ~ Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
May your God go with you. Gloria in excelcis Deo.
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness - Dr. David Hawkins


  1. Hello my friend! warm greeting!
    your blog looks nice 0_0

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    best regards;

  2. Hey Howard,

    This is my first time to your blog, really enjoyed your post and I look forward to coming back and reading more of what you have to offer. Keep up the great work.


  3. Hi Howard,

    Another great post. It's all in how we see what has been written. We're all created in the image of God, so act like it. On a side note, I don't want to make this a religious comment either but I always struggled with God being an all loving God yet God punishes people. Then I read Conversations with God and realized (just my belief) that man invented that punishment thing to keep you in line. All is right with the world.


  4. Spot on Michel. The Universe doesn't judge (good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people), it is people who do. At the same time, I'm not promoting moral relativism.
    It has been said that man has created God in his own image.

  5. Hey Howard,

    DIdn't you make an airplane out of Spruce on time? :)

    You never know how or when the spirit is going to move someone. I really enjoyed your writing here as far as the content.

    Might I suggest an extra stroke of the enter key between paragraphs? I have learned in my time on the internet that there are several types of blog readers and many of them are what as known as skimmers.

    Blogs that appeal to skimmers tend to get more likes and shares etc.

    I will be back, Go TSA


  6. I enjoyed your post.

    Interesting information and share!

  7. Thanks for that Scott. Too much text without a break can be off putting. Will remember for next time.

  8. Hi Howard it's Howard ;)

    As you stated in your post, there are so many things that are real today that were just mere thoughts and visions before they manifested.

    My car radio is tuned into stations that you recommended.

    Fill our heads with positive thoughts that will propel us to greatness throughout our day ;)

    I look forward to networking!

    In Success,
    Howie Perks

  9. Thanks for sharing this interesting post. In order to have evolution there has to be a way to pass on the knowledge that we possess. You gave us great food for thought to think about how this happens. Thanks.

  10. The Bible encourages success in peoples lives. The key is to reach that success with honesty and integrity. Then let your good fortunes affect others in a positive way.. Joe LoFreso

  11. Thank you Karin and Joe for taking the time to a) read and b) post. It means a lot to me and I get so much out of reading the comments and seeing others' point of view and hearing their wisdom.

  12. Howard, I just wrote a post about giving 100% and expecting 0. It's about loving unconditionally. Some commenters were perplexed and said they could not live that way. But your post explained it so clearly when you said
    "I love you even if you don't like me because you are a part me. We are Creation experiencing itself. And love, by the way, is not the Hallmark/Hollywood branded comodity to be given and taken away, it is a state of being."

  13. Hey Howard

    What a thought provoking post.

    I am not a religious person. If I described my beliefs in known terms it would be agnostic.

    But you are a shining example of what Christianity is.


