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Power vs Force

If one was to plot my journey of knowledge about business and myself since I joined Liberty League on a graph, it would show a gradual increase. I don't know what the gradient of the graph would look like as the graph is continuous! The great thing is, this isn't exceptional to any Liberty Leaguer and it's not why I'm posting this blog. The reason I'm posting is that I have read 6 or 7 books since I came back from the Summit in April of this year (it's now 2nd August 2008). I didn't so much read them as "consume" them. That said, there would be two "spikes" in my graph that would show an exceptional rate of growth. The two "spikes" are related to two books. One is the ubiquitous "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The second is, in my opinion, one of the most mind expanding, life perspective altering books, "Power vs Force" by Dr. David Hawkins.

When my adviser, the larger-than-life, John Lavinia, told me that this book would be as important to me as Think And Grow Rich, I was a tad unbelieving. You see, I had just finished reading Think And Grow Rich (I'll shorten it to TGR if you don't mind?) and THAT was a life altering experience. Having learned about neroplasticity from Prof. Shawn Achor at the Rome Summit 2008, I knew why my forehead ached slightly when I read it. My brain was taking a new shape with the new information. Heavy jelly, eh?

So what else could or would produce 1) such a feeling of empowerment and 2) the need for my brain to reform with new information?

Well, the short answer is Power vs Force. If you want the long answer, read the book! lol. Whereas TGR had reformed my mind in business practice in such a profound way, Power vs Force has changed my perception of our world with the same, if not greater, profundity. Let me illustrate by saying that last night I was in a karaoke booth with my friends from work (I'll be handing in my notice at the end of Aug 08 btw yipee!) and on the walls, as big as the walls allowed, were pictures of space and spiral arm galaxies. As I pondered them, I considered them small compared to the vast bank of consciousness that I can tap into. Space, time and distance were and are all relative. Without my body (and I mean that in both senses of the term i.e. outside of and "not with") is the most amazing "world" that each of us has power and ability to tap into and see. What if we could step out of linear time? Would there be causality? Would "this" cause "that"? Life and the universe are not linear.

So if we lead linear lives were missing out on our true potential to be greater. Life is a gift from God (I use the term God to refer to the Creator and not a religious icon) and as such, I was to maximise his gift, not hide it away in a hum-drum life. Beauty exists in everything and your point of view is only relative to where you're looking from so what would your poit of view be if you looked at an object from various viewpoints? You'd have different opinions right? Different opinions from the same conscious entity. As you you think these thoughts, you put them into the bank of collective consciousness right? It's in the bank for someone else to be aware of. The converse is also true, your thoughts are taken from the bank and "realised". So now I know that "my" thoughts aren't really my conception. To have the notion "my thoughts" is, a vain concept and vanity doesn't serve anyone justly.

So, having read about two-thirds of the book, I'm fairly sure that I know AN answer to the question, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Let me leave it at that for now. If you're still with me, well done! There are no embedding link on YouTube but will give you a taste.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. You have the power, so make it a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Howard,

    All my best wishes to the young Samuel, hope he inherits your fine
    turn of phrase. (He will, it's the Irish blood in you both).

    Enjoyed your "rant" very much, and was amazed at the depth of info on your site, more power to you.

    Hugh Coyle
