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My First Week

Testing testing.... is this thing on?

Hi there. If you've come across this blog it may be by chance or it may be because I have very excitedly pointed you in this direction. So you're probably a friend of mine. Sad.

When I first came across the concept of blogging it blew my mind. This online diary that EVERYONE could read. Or not as the case may be. It's a big world but I wouldn't like to give it a second coat.

Which leads me nicely on to the point of my first blog entry. It's a BIG world.

About a year ago, I signed up with a home based business. What attracted me was the "home based" bit. I've always tried to give my best to companies and be really enthusiastic about whatever project I was working on. I'd suggest that perhaps we could do it this way or improve it by doing it that way or including this person. While my enthusiasm was appreciated, I never felt like my ideas were. I've been told that I'm quite a strong personality so I've tried to hold back in case others felt encroached by me.

Right there is the mistake. Instead of celebrating my "large" personality I tried to throw camouflage over it. I was the elephant in the room. I had some run-ins.

So a home based business for me then. To be my own boss and to work my own hours and to make the money that would never have been possible had I stayed in corporate life. So here I am now, coming the end of my first week of working from home. AND I LOVE IT.

You may ask "what took you so long?". The truth is, I did.

When someone is used to, as we all are, of being taught how to conform and that things don't work if you don't, it's hard not to want to run back into the burning building. At least you knew where you were then! The building that is you pre-formed life. I'm not dissing it. I was there for a long time. And once you're there for a long time, it's hard to leave.

So, I'll sign off on this post saying that, for me, I've found a better way. I'm spending more time with my pregnant wife. Our son, Samuel, is expected in mid-January and I'm going to be there for him every step of the way. It's nice to be able to keep that promise to him and hold that glow in my heart when I think about it.

Next time: why I prefer not to refer to myself as "me".

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