Stumbled Upon


My Time With Polaris Global

It's a very interesting experience being a business owner. The fact that it's a home business has its pros and cons. One con being the fact that it's a 'home' business. They are often easy to start up with low entry fees and low overheads. They tend not to feel like a 'business', more like a hobby. I found myself in this very boat. I don't have to pre-stock or warehouse any product, I don't ship or warehouse anything and the business is explained to my potential business partners by a top income earner in the business. I'm not even involved in the sale. Simple, right? Totally. And right there was my inital downfall on two levels.
Level One, coming from a corporate background it was too easy. Surely there is more to it. There's a secret that the top income earners aren't sharing. Maybe there's some magic pixie dust that I need to find? Maybe if I re-route the tachion emissions through the warp coil, it would sling shot me out of orbit? (The Trekkies may laugh there.) Evolutionary wise, humans are problem solving creatures, if there isn't one there, we'll make it up. We love crosswords and puzzels and making things fit so that when something as straightforward as this comes along, we look to throw something else in. The truth is that this system, exactly the way it was designed, was work prefectly before I came along! All I had to do was follow it.
Level Two, because I didn't have to produce invoices or ship or pay rent or wages, I treated it like a hobby. And so I got hobby results, ziiiiiiiiip! To be honest, there were times I nearly quit, convinced that it just wouldn't work for me. What kept me going was 1) the evidence that this was working for thousands of people around the world, so why not me and 2) that story in Think And Grow Rich about being three feet from gold.
Well, I'm glad I stuck it out. My life, both financially and personally as changed beyond recognition. The Beyond Freedon Evolution program has taken me to a level that I never though possible. It's given me a confidence, a happiness and a re-written self image, a self image written by me, not by what I thought people thought of me. I started to make my own decisions and took responsibility for those choices. I started to grow from within and I am still growning. Thanks to the Polaris Global business opportunity, I'm doing thiongs that I thought would never be 'my lot in life'. And the game of life is not about the hand you're dealt, it's about how you play that hand.
And let me be clear here, my company is The Path I Choose and I distribute these products that I am so passionate about. It's one of those great decisions that I've made that I'm talking about!

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