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Why do some people succeed Part 2

In my last article I discussed 3 of the "threads" that link successful people together. Those were Action, Environment (the company they keep) and "Why?" (their motivation).

The next attribute, or thread, that I've noticed is their lack of attachment to their comfort zone. I'll say this; NONE of my business heros are employees. I'll say it again; NONE of my business heros are employees. If it all goes belly up, they're left carrying the can. No "sick days" or "duvet days" for them. (That's probably also due to the fact that most illnesses are a reflection of poor mental health and they just don't get sick). So while they have built empires with multiple streams of income, they still overreach for business deals. They'll step out of their comfort zones to get what they want. What did Donald Trump do when he found himself facing bankruptcy in 1991? Was it a case of "If at first you don't succeed, failure just may be style"? Well, it's 2009 so we have the answer. So, having the cojones to step outside you comfort zone is another trait.

Resilience is the next. Edison was famously quoted as saying "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." If something isn't working for the successful entrepreneur, they'll take what they've learned and move on. In fact, the majority of the entrepreneurs in a sample were serial entrepreneurs. The average number of businesses launched by respondents was approximately 2.3. You can be pretty sure that the history of entrepreneurialism is littered with a string of "failures" behind any successful business person and the business people enjoying that success have earned an enormous education in what not to do. So get out of the mindset that we got sucked in to at school or some other social mores that failure is ultimate, that you only get one bite of the cherry, that Rocky Balboa is shouting "stay down son!" because he caught you with a right hook that took you to the canvas. No, failure is the question at the end of a chapter that asks "what did you learn here?" and then we move on to the next chapter.

Accountability. This is the most obvious and yet the hardest for many to swallow. To take responsibility for your actions on yourself. To not place our responsibility on some outside factor. Whether we like it or not, we all have choices in life, even in the most dire situations. If you're an employee, I'm sure you sent out more than one CV, I'm sure you interviewed with more than one company and even if you didn't, you had the choice of accepting the job offer or not. (Usually the employee mindset goes "What am I going to pay the bills with...? etc.") Again, you have a choice. So when you start sentences with "I choose to..." it's a real eye-opener even if it's "I'm choosing to go to the shops now to buy the groceries". You empower yourself. It's a power you've always had.

Love: People who succeed are people who love what they do and get behind what they are doing. I remember when I was younger, I picked the subjects to study because I thought these were the subjects that would make my parents happy and get the results that they wanted. Needless to say, I bombed yet here I am now, getting the results but through an avenue that I absolutely love.

At this point I go etherial. It is my personal belief that the Law of Attraction and Noetic Science is where we start to recognise the god within us. To quote a man whom I could listen to for ages, the CEO of the Polaris Media Group, Shane Krider, "Most people are giants drowning in 3 feet of water." So where did our world of possibility turn into a world of hierarchy and subservience? Who did we listen to that told us we couldn't? Well, it happened when we surrendered our god-given power to someone else. That doesn't have to be the case. (I'm using god with a lowercase "g" here in recognition of the various terms for the Creator, Buddah, Allah, Jehovah, etc.)
While we take so much time to look after our bodies, shaving, cosmetics, hair-dos, how much time do we spend on ourselves? Wonderful beings that we are with consciousness that transcends the limitations of our body. So why can't I harness a universe that is non-judgmental? What can't I have it all? Why can't I maximise my life not just for my good but for the benefit of those around me? I believe I can attract that which I desire in to my life by using laser focus and the Law Of Attraction. I believe because I have done it.

Finally, the Law Of Attraction works both ways in business. It's not all about attracting what I want in to my life, am I being attractive to someone who is looking for me? It's a question I pose to my associates when they get stuck sometimes. Am I living the life/being the person that is attractive to others? Well, how you're feeling is a great gauge for that. It's very simple, how am feeling? There's your answer.

So I'll leave you with these three questions for you to answer for yourself;
Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?

That's it from me for now folks. I trust you gleaned something out of all this, no matter what business you're in. It's nothing new but perhaps, as has happened with me on more than one occasion, something resonates with you in the way it was presented. You are your own hero, the star of your own movie and the director. Now, all it takes is what psychologists call "Activation Energy" on your part, that amount of energy from you that it takes to do what it takes...

Why do some people succeed Part 1

I don't cold call. I don't go door to door. I don't have to pre-stock. I don't invoice. Nor does anyone in the business I work. Which leaves me with the task of marketing and then chatting with people who have agreed to be contacted for more information.
I get to talk with people from all walks of life, chefs, financial directors, salespeople and so on. All people looking or a genuine business. People from a corporate life looking for a way out. What I've learned though, is that it's just not enough to run from something. There has to be more. So what have my observations of the successful been? What is the common thread to all of them? Action!
The first thing I notice about all them is that they take consistent action, not just sporadic action. People whose DMO (Daily Methods of Operation) are consistent and congruent with their business. If that means sending out 1, 5, 10 or 100 people or speaking with 1, 5, 10 or 100 people a day, week or month, there they are. How does an ant eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Or to use another analogy, as a plane takes-off down a runway, it needs consistent power/energy in which to do so. If it looses power half way down or even two thirds the way down, it's going to get off the ground.
Another attribute of successful people is the company they keep. Now, this may seem obvious to some, rich people tend to know around with each other. Great. So if your income is the average of your 10 closest friends, how does that look to you? For me, it wasn't where I wanted to be. I'm looking to make MILLIONS. So while I love my friends dearly, they aren't going to be able to show me how to do it. Millionaires can show me how to do. And when you knock around with millionaires, you can see how easy it is to do it. Mindset. THINK MILLION DOLLAR THOUGHTS and fill your mind with what is possible.
What is your "Why?". What did you come to a business to accomplish? How long are you willing to take to pursue your dream and is your dream worthy of your efforts? And don't make it about money. We ALL want more money. But what is the money for? To be mortgage free in two years so there's no worries that the bank can repossess, to have a nice yacht in the marina go fishing with the kids... and make it about you. Be emotionally attached to your "Why". When you look a picture of it or read it on your goal card (you've got a goal card, right?), you get goose bumps and it drives you on regardless of adversity.
I'm going to leave it there for now because family time is very important!
I am a stay-at-home father of 2 and I live in Ireland. I am only new to being a father and loving it. I have been working from home since October 2007 with great success and I personally believe that everyone should at least be aware that they have a choice on how they spend their time and to be responsible for generating their own income.