Stumbled Upon


In God we trust (me I'm not sure about).

Belief in oneself often comes when we see what we've accomplished. If we don't see what we've done, this can be a stumbling block. This is especially the case when we feel that we're just doing what everyone else is doing anyway. Big "Whoop eee!", I've done the shopping and yet a whole series of events and circumstances have taken place that we just take for granted.

Most, if not all, reading this will have no dis-abilities so there will have been no challenges go to or from the car, drive the car, negotiating the aisles or reaching to the higher shelves. There will have been no curb too high for a wheelchair to overcome or issues carrying the groceries.

Most, if not all, will have no intellectual impediment. You'll have read the labels and the sell-by dates with ease. You'll have made calculated choices about how many steaks to buy for the family and what to make instead for the vegetarian or the vegan in the family. At the till, you'll tender the correct amount or know what change to expect.

You'll know where your car is parked and an you'll know how to get home, a home that you have created through your choices. The neighbourhood, the house, the decor and the storage.

It's easy to take note when something isn't working properly and all too easy not to notice when something is. In personal development we learn to appreciate the now and be grateful and not 'comparative gratitude' (I should be thankful that I'm not...). A gratitude that celebrates what works in our lives, the miracles that happen every day for those who have eyes to see.

Yes, there's a lot to celebrate daily so start by taking note of all the good decisions that you've made during the day. Trust your gut and see what the results are.

I'm always reminded of the scene in the Matrix when Neo, having been shot, is brought back to life and begins to see the fabricated world for what it is. For so long it was someone else's reality and it took a life changing event to make him see otherwise.

Don't wait to 'die' to see how wonderful the world can be through your eyes and through your choices.

We trust in God but we forget that we are of God. Trust that you have been made with great abilities to make great choices (remembering not to be prideful by praising the decision not yourself).