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The work from home mindset

Would you like to work from home? Many might say "Well, that's a stupid question, dumbass... ... I want to work from home because (fill in as appropriate)". I can't counterpoint any of the valid reasons that people give. "I want to be there as my child grows up", "I'm not getting along with my boss", "My jobs isn't certain at the moment". I hear these a lot because of the home business that I work in. People go to my site, fill out their details and I call them back to conduct a brief interview. I do this because I don't want to work with just anyone.

The distance between the perceived wish to work at home and the actual, ok I'm ready to start working from home is vast. It's a chasm that, in this day and age, is insurmountable for most. I say "in this day and age" because as Robert Kioysaki, author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series (I highly recommend them if you are an employee, self-employed, a business owner or an investor) notes, we are living at the end of the Industrial Age and the start of the I.T. age. I'll return to this later.

So why is it so huge? Well, to comment from the point of view of this writer, it's the mindset. For society to run smoothly we need rules that we all agree to. For example, this oblong object that I hold in my hand, solid and sturdy and used in the building of houses, we all have agreed to call "a brick" in the English language. All we all agreed? Yes? Great. So when I ask someone to fetch me a brick I pretty much know what that person is going to bring back. (I'm not going to go in to the semantics of colour or size or make of brick.) So it is that we are taught in school. That's a flower, that's a bee, that's a quadruped. Great, I'm learning! So when does education turn us into conforming, solid members of society and of the work force? At what age do we "choose" to do the best we can at school so that we can get the praise we so richly deserve, that we can move higher to high school/secondary school. When did we choose to be streamlined from the achievers to remedial? Perhaps it was in University where we're studying to get that much needed degree so that we can get a good job, marry the right person, live in the right neighbourhood and have the right amount of children.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ranting. This is the blueprint for live of so many people, me included. I did all these things but I wasn't happy. Many aren't. I think that's because, and again I am speaking from my own point of view, that our source of happiness was always external. What kid doesn't want their mum and dad to be proud of them, to a less extent, praise from the teacher, recognition from their professors and recognition from their bosses for doing a great job? The television adverts tell us that if we have a Caribbean cruise or whiter teeth that we will be happy. I think nowadays the collective consciousness is more aware that happiness comes from within. I'm very happy now to look in the mirror and say "I love you Howard". I don't do it to the exclusion of others like Narcissus. How can I let others love me if I don't love myself? Conjure up, if you will, the image of a person who doesn't want to be loved. They exist. You may know them but that's for another day.

To answer my above questions on when we became comfortable in the Industrial Age blueprint for a happy life... who knows. It was some time when you looked to your early role-models for life, your parents. Those who grew up in that age. Get good grades, get a good job, marry a good girl and live in a good neighbourhood would have been their words of wisdom. So that's what we did for 20, 30, 40 years of our lives. We settled and we were content but I think we may not necessarily have been happy. The comfortable old shoes of going to work with the security of the paycheck at the end of the month were not something we wanted to take off. Mmmmm comfy. It's a very difficult mindset to get out of. So I ask again; would you like to work from home? Are your ready to work from home?

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So how many employees do you worked their way up to being multi-millionaires? I'm sure you could count them on one hand. We can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. If we want different results, we have to change our mindset. Thankfully, with this business, I did and now I teach others how to become wealthy, they bring the why.

Until next time,
make it a great day because you deserve it.